Curriculum vitae

Marius Marian �olea - CV

First and Second Name: Şolea Marius Marian

Civil Status: not married

Military Situation: service done

Date of Birth: 11th of October 1974, Bucharest, Sector 3



Hobby: football, fan of Universitatea Craiova Football Club.



Primary school and gymnasium in Bumbesti-Jiu, Gorj.

9th and 10th grade at Gheorghe Magheru High School, Târgu Jiu.

11th grade at Spiru Haret Normal School, Târgu Jiu.

12th grade at Ioan Nistor High School, Vicovu de Sud, Suceava, finished in 1999 with the Baccalaureat average of 9,85.

since 1999, student at the Orthodox Theology University Iasi, the section of Cultural Patrimony - Restoration - Book Conservation, finished in 1998 with the average of 8,22, licensed in Theology and Fine Arts.

the title of the licence paper: "The Hieroglyphic Writing - Premise and Representation of the Egyptian Civilization", with the average of 9,18.



since 1990 over 30 articls, book reviews, literary criticism and poems published in magazines and newspapers.

1993 - 1996 – collaborator at Radio Târgu Jiu

1994 – collaborator at Radio Contact Iaşi, Radio Iaşi, Radio România News, Radio România Cultural.

1998 – collaborator at Radio Trinitas.

1995 - 1996 – editor-presentor at TVR Iaşi.

1995 – participations in congresses and symposiums with international presences.

1996 - 2000 – president of the European Movement, the branch of Iasi.

2000 - 2002 – president of the Blue Cultural Fundation.

2001 – member in the redactional college of the Brancusi Magazine.

2001 – chief editor of the "Gorj Gazette".

2003 - 2004 – editorialist Radio Târgu Jiu.

2003 - until present – collaborator of the magazines: "Gorjul de azi", "Tribuna �nvăţământului", "Reflex", "Calende", "Viaţa Românească", "Literatorul", "Hyperion", "Scrisul Românesc", "Est", "Poezia", "Feed Back", "Timpul",, "Convorbiri Literare", "Luceafărul", "Cronica", "Origini", "Poesis", "Contemporanul - Ideea europeană", "Ateneu", "Bucovina Literară", "Ex Ponto" etc.

August 2004, counsellor in the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs.

October 2004, member of the Redactional College of the "European Thinking", publication of the Romanian section of the European Movement;

since August 2005, personal counsellor of the president of the Romanian section of the European Movement.

Lyrics on the albums of Paulei Seling, Ştii ce înseamnă?, 2001 (Serile verii song) and of Marcela Buruian, Nu sunt Albă ca Zăpada, 2001 (Mi-e frică-n lume and Blues obosit songs), present as well on the compilations Romantic and Fantastic Hits.

Organizer of the Literary festival, Agigea 2005, 1st edition, Putna 2005, 2nd edition, Agigea 2006, 3rd edition.

Coordinating of anthology, "Ultima generatie, primul val", Muzeul Literaturii Rom�ne Publishing, Bucharest, 2005.

Coordinating of anthology, Paralela 45 Publishing, Piteşti, 2006.


Edtitorial Activity:

01. "Mereu secunda, mereu şi Dumnezeu", Alexandru Ştefulescu Publishing, Târgu Jiu, 1995

02. "Universul din piatră", A 92 Publishing, Iaşi, 1996

03. "Paşii de sub simţ", A 92 Publishing, Iaşi, 1997

04. "Semantice umbre", Junimea Publishing, Iaşi, 1998

05. "Cobiliţa cu furnici şi alte proceduri", Clusium Publishing, Cluj-Napoca, 1999

06. "Lungul poem haiku de o mie de strofe", Albatros Publishing, Bucharest, 2000

07. "Blestemul bărbăţiei şi alte imagini sociale", Eminescu Publishing, Bucharest, 2002

08. "Un peşchir şi o ţâră dragoste", Muzeul Literaturii Române Publishing, Bucharest, 2004

09. "Contemporan cu Dumnezeu", Muzeul Literaturii Române Publishing, Bucharest, 2005

10. "Graiul vostru. Viziunea ţăranului din Gorj asupra lumii", Eikon Publishing, Cluj-Napoca

11. "Crimă şi pace bună", novel, Paralela 45 Publishing, Piteşti, 2007.

12. "Ministerul groazei, demnitarii crimei", Fundaţia Culturală Libra Publishing, Bucharest, 2007.

13. "Liber", Vinea Publishing, Bucharest, 2008.

14. "Generaţia suspendată", EDO Publishing, Bucharest, 2010.

15. "adevărul, pe înţelesul femeilor", Vremea Publishing, Bucharest, 2011

16. "Scrisori pentru depărtările din voi • Cărţâ trâ dipârtărli dit voi", Societatea Culturală Aromână Publishing, Bucharest, 2012


In Preparation:

"Bă, românii mei" (journalism)

"Ministerul groazei, demnitarii crimei", 2nd and 3rd volume

"Crimă şi pace bună", 2nd and 3rd volume

"Jocuri din Bătrânia" (poetry)

"Femeia care se târăşte" (short story)

"Idei întâmplătoare"

"Jurnalul definitiv" (essay)


since November 1998 – memember of the Union of Romanian Writers.


References about the published volumes:

Mihai Ursachi, Ioan Holban, Ion Popescu, Cezar Ivănescu, Simion Bărbulescu, Corneliu Ştefanache, Şerban Alexandru, acad. Constantin Ciopraga, Nicolae Dragoş, George Ţărnea, Lucian Vasiliu, I.D.Sicore, Alexandru Andriescu, Alexandru Husar, Gloria Lăcătuşu, Nicolae Diaconu, Valentin Taşcu, Eugen Velican, Adrian Păunescu, acad. Matilda Caragiu Marioţeanu, Ion Filipoiu, Florin Lăzărescu, Ioan Adam, Eugen Lucan, Ioan T. Morar, Bogdan Alexandru Stănescu, Aureliu Goci, Horia Gârbea, Dumitru Matală, Andrei Milca, Costin Tuchilă, Victoria Milescu, Daniel Corbu, Eugenia Ţarălungă, Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, Florea Miu, Călin Cocora, Ion Bogdan Lefter, George Mihalcea, Marin Mincu, Ştefania Mincu, Radu Voinescu, Tudorel Urian, Valeria Manta Tăicuţu, Ioana Bogdan, Mircea Ghiţulescu, Emilian Marcu, Marin Stoian, Paul Bogdan, Florin Chilian, Constantin Dram, Vasile Andru, Felix Nicolau, Grigore Traian Pop, Sorin Roşca, Octavian Mihalcea and others.